All that the Rain Promises and More… A Hip Pocket
Guide to Western Mushrooms
Medium Type: Book
Author(s): David Arora Published: 1991
An illustrated guide to recognize Western mushrooms based on their key features
E-Fauna of BC
Medium Type: Electronic Atlas
Author(s): Lab for Advanced Spatial Analysis, Department of Geography, University of British Columbia, Vancouver (edited by Brian Klinkenberg)
Complied information and search engine for BC's wildlife:
Flora and Fauna of Coastal British Columbia and
the Pacific Northwest
Medium Type: Book
Author(s): Collin Varner Published: 2018
Easy to follow full-colour resource guide for the plants and animals within the diverse bioregion from Juneau Alaska, south to coastal BC, Washington, Oregon, down to California's San Fransisco Bay
Humpbacks of the North Coast: Chatham
Sound and Surrounding Areas Catalogue
Medium Type: Virtual Catalogue
Author(s): North Coast Cetacean Research Initiative
Identification catalogue for the different whales encountered in the area:
Marine Life of the Pacific Northwest
Medium Type: Book
Author(s): Andy Lamb, Bernard Hanby Published: 2005
Photographic encyclopedia of invertebrates, seaweed, and fish that may be encountered from Southern Alaska to Southern Oregon. Includes information on range, habitat, appearance, and behaviour
Marine Mammals of British Columbia
Medium Type: Book
Author(s): John K.B. Ford
Information on 31 species of marine mammals that frequent B.C.’s coast. Includes distribution, habitat, social organization, feeding habits, conservation status, maps of sightings, and more about each species
One of Us: A Biologist's Walk Among Bears
Medium Type: Book
Author(s): Barrie Gilbert Published: 2019
Findings based on decades of research about grizzly bears and how they respond to people and each other, the role of bears in their ecosystems, threats to bear conservation, and debunking myths of grizzlies as killer beasts
The Outsider's Guide to Prince Rupert
Medium Type: Book
Author(s): Matt Simmons (2011)
Reference guide to exploring the North Coast around Prince Rupert with practical descriptions for over 60 pathways. Also includes maps and essays that celebrate the joys of being outside
Pacific Seaweeds
Medium Type: Book
Author: Louis Druehl, Bridgette Clarkston Published: 2016
Guidebook on all things seaweed, including pictures, scientific information, identification, and roles in ecosystems and in our lives
Photography & Informative Books About the Great Bear Rainforest by Ian McAllister & Nicholas Read
Medium Type: Multiple Books
Check out the multiple books produced by McAllister & Read that highlight the ecology of the North Coast and the importance of protecting the Great Bear Rainforest such as:
The Sea Wolves: Living in the Great Bear Rainforest (McAllister & Read, 2010)
The Great Bear Sea: Exploring the Marine Life of a Pacific Paradise (McAllister & Read, 2013)
The Salmon Bears: Giants of the Great Bear Rainforest (McAllister & Read, 2010)
Plants of Coastal British Columbia
Medium Type: Book
Author(s): Jim Pojar & Andy MacKinnon Published: 2016
Easy to use field guide that covers shoreline to alpine plants along the coast from Alaska to Oregon. Includes to photographs and clear species descriptions and habitat range
Plants, People, and Places: The Roles of Ethnobotany and Ethnoecology in Indigenous Peoples’ Land Rights
in Canada and Beyond
Medium Type: Book
Author: Nancy Turner Published: 2020
Argues for recognition and accommodation of Indigenous Peoples relationships with and knowledge of plants and their ecosystems in land rights and related legal and government policy, planning, and decision making. Features Indigenous perspectives, while teaching about the importance of human relationships with nature
Rodents and Lagomorphs of British Columbia
Medium Type: Book
Author: David Nagorsen Published: 2005
Information on the general biology, natural history, identifying characteristics, taxonomy and conservation status in the province of the 52 species of rodents in BC. Includes photos and distribution maps of each species
Sharks, Skates, Rays, and Chimeras of BC
Medium Type: Book
Author(s): Sandy Mcfarlane, Jackie King Published: 2020
Accurate and up to date information on chondrichthyans in the waters of British Columbia, with detailed species descriptions and identification information. Presents sharks and their relatives in a positive light and as valuable members of marine ecosystems
Sibley Guide to Birds (2nd Ed.)
and the Sibley Birds West
Medium Type: Book (and purchasable app)
Author(s): David Sibley Published: 2014 (2nd Ed.), 2016 (West)
Widely used bird guide book for novice to expert birders, regarded as one of the best bird guides for identifying North American birds
Sm'algyax Living Legacy Talking Dictionary
Medium Type: Online Dictionary
Compiled language information to learn Sm'algyax and its proper pronunciation (including ecological terms):
Whelks to Whales: Coastal Marine Life of the Pacifc
Medium Type: Book
Author: Rick Harbo Published: 2011
Full-colour field guide to marine life off the coast of British Columbia, Alaska, Washington, Oregon and northern California. Information and photos of more than 400 common species, including colour coded sections, a glossary, checklist, reading list, and index